
Travel In My World

Vendredi 4 juin 2010 à 20:25

Before leaving France and living in UK with English dudes, I was boring, I mean I had never been drunk, I did not go clubbing at all ... I prefered watching TV with a blanket every evenings... HOW SAD I WAS!!

Now I came back from UK, I can say I changed. I'm no longer boring!! I want to go clubbing, I was to have parties ... I miss my English mates!!

I spent a wonderful academic year at Stowe School as a French assistant. I met Australian, South African, German, Spanish, American and English people who are now my friends. They opened my eyes on the world and I want to thank them a lot!

Now I want to travel all over the world alone or with mates just to discover it! I can't wait earning some money and travel!!

Before Stowe, I did want to teach English in France and I still want but I know that if I am offered a job as a French teacher in UK, Australia, the States or in South Africa, I'll take it right now!!

I have a dream: live in an English-speaking country.

I grew up. I love myself now more than before!

I'm living.

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